See your counselor for more information.

High school students who attend Cascadia Tech have benefits that other students may not receive, such as:
Tuition free education.
Earning college credit.
Obtaining industry certification.
Participating in onsite internships.
Gain valuable skills at no cost.
Save money on college tuition and other training.

The application will open January 15th.

In addition, students can:
Earn required occupational education credit for graduation.
Earn high school credits.
Earn equivalency credits for certain academic courses.

Summer School
We offer summer school at Cascadia Tech.  More information will be available at the end of March about our course schedule and available classes. 

Who’s Eligible for Enrollment at Cascadia Tech
Cascadia Tech is owned and operated by nine local school districts and Educational Service District 112. Sophomores and juniors enrolled in member high schools are eligible to apply for admittance into a Cascadia Tech program through their high school counselor for their junior and/or senior year. New for 25-26, Stevenson/Carson students are eligible to apply for Forest Management and Teaching Academy that will be held at a satellite campus in Washougal.

Member Districts are:

Home School/GED/Private School Students:
For information on enrolling as a Home School/GED/Private School Student, click to see our Home School/GED/Private School Information.

For additional information: Contact a Cascadia Tech Registrar at (360) 604-1064 or