Free hair services with pink cancer ribbons

The Cosmetology SkillsUSA team (Ava Bonner, Samira Paez, Lyuda Chygasova, Kailey Wade, Esther Poshelyuznyy and Emily Linder) at Cascadia Tech will offer free haircuts to anyone diagnosed or getting treatments for cancer. Please call 360.604.1080 for more information.

Every day in January the salon will be open regularly and will be taking appointments or walk-ins. The free service includes a shampoo, haircut, and thermal styling of your choice. The month of January is our kick off and as a team we are hoping to make this community event a long lasting one. 

The students will be working with the school administration and cosmetology instructors to put into place a once a month event. As a team we are hoping to spread a sense of hope and community throughout the city and surrounding areas. You don't need hair to be feminine, you don't need to shave your head to be strong when battling cancer. Our salon will be a safe place for anyone wanting to come in.